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(2 edits)

the game is grate, but the uninstaller is not, you should improve it. First of all it is able to make the game not working by deleting some .dll file, but it is not working entirely

G:\Downloads\Game That Deletes Itself\Uninstaller

System.Diagnostics.Process (Game That Deletes Itself)

Unhandled exception. System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'Uninstaller.dll' is denied.

   at System.IO.FileSystem.RemoveDirectoryRecursive(String fullPath, WIN32_FIND_DATA& findData, Boolean topLevel)

   at System.IO.FileSystem.RemoveDirectory(String fullPath, Boolean recursive)

   at Uninstaller.Program.Main(String[] args)

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

that is do to you are developing for windows (instead of a well designed os) that prevents software from deleting files that are currently opened in an easy way. So first you should do something like taskkill /im:"Game That Deletes Itself.exe" /f to kill your game, then when it is done (maybe try it anothertime and check the return value) you should kill the game. Secoundly you shouldn't design your uninstaller as a console application but rather as a windows application without a window, so it cant be quit that easy. And it should be moch faster, therefore you should use something that generates native code like c++ without .net or other runtime stuff (i suggest minGW or Lazarus )

and then you will get the stuff deleted in less then a secound without the user able to stop it without removing the installer before starting the game or running a infinite loop that kills all uninstaller.exe files.

And to dont allow unexpirenced users to delete the uninstaller you could just set the file attr as hidden so you need to show it (or even better hide the installer code in a dll that is requiered to run the game but thats to  mean i guess ) 

nice idea

happy hacking


I cheated I used Alt-F4 to avoid clicking Retry, thus having to restart but not reinstall the game each time.

I had the patience to get past 2 jumps so far lol

(1 edit)

can you make it playable in browser

A game that closes the tab!

(1 edit)

sure that wold work for browser

do u have to have like winrar or something? i cant run it :(

Yes you need winrar at the moment, I'm going to go through and update the downloads to fix this whenever I get some time.

Deleted 114 days ago

It Does(n't) Work

oh ya me to

I tried the game 9 times and didn't even get to the 4th level, I am just bad😅🤣 also didn't need to reinstall the game the 'uninstalling' up doesn't work for me lol

lol ez 2nd try

doesnt work lel

The game does not delete itself in Linux via Wine.

beacuse well, wine sometimes sucks (i use arch on 2009 hardware btw)

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