Game That Deletes Itself
A downloadable game
In this fast-paced 2D platformer game, players must navigate through increasingly challenging levels while dodging obstacles and enemies. But here's the twist: if the player dies, the game will automatically delete itself! This adds an extra layer of excitement and urgency to the gameplay, as players must constantly strive to improve their skills in order to avoid losing the game altogether. With vibrant graphics and a pulse-pounding soundtrack, this game is sure to keep players on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Will you be able to outmaneuver your enemies and emerge victorious, or will the game disappear forever? The only way to find out is to play and see!
The game will uninstall everything in the same folder as the uninstaller.exe file. Make sure that the game is properly extracted into a folder.
Also game might not uninstall, this was one of the first games I ever made and my first time coding with c# outside of unity and working with files. Just be aware the game might not work properly and uninstaller might not function in the intended way.
Download removed due to uninstaller issues
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why not bring it back you are literally called the worst game developer why care about bugs you are the person who makes games with bugs!
bring it back
nah you can not sue rye
Bring it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
bring it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
bring it back plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
we want to play
bring it back
i want to play i
me too
bring it back
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First Web Page
Hello World!
Why not doing a unninstall .exe that deletes the exe but not the folder?
i need to download game, rye forgot to add the download button
it was removed 😭
If someone is wondering how to install the game (and a LOT of people are wondering) well... you cant. Yea, download is removed due to uninstaller issues. :(
How to download?
Hej i just did my acount just to play this game!
does anyone have a zip file of it
how to download?
download now or your gay
bruh give us downlao
sem download?????????
Nunca pensei que acharia um br aqui no
i cant downlod it
Will there be a download in the future?
I cant Download it
I died but the game don't uninstall ;)
please send me the zip folder
please send me the zip folder
please send me the zip folder
Please upload it to mediafire and send me the link
this game fucking sucks
it doesn't delete itself.
for me it just does nothing or tries to delete my windows
same thing
why does it say .rar file lol
I updated the file type from .rar to .zip, looks like I forgot to update the install instructions lol, thanks for letting me know.
we cnat download the game
does it actually work.......... idk
I think it sometimes works lol
Can you create a WebGL version of the game that closes the tab when you press the retry button? I’ve been wanting to play the game, but I am using a Big Sur Macbook Pro.
yeah me too
i have MacBook Air
I don't think that's possible with Unity. It seems you can do such a thing with window.close() in HTML/JavaScript, but I'm not sure it works with embedded content. If you want to, you can refresh the page manually every time you die.
If you delete the "Uninstaller" folder, it doesn't do anything. Not even an error message
it doesn't actually delete itself lmao
I clicked retry and nothing happened so i closed the game via task manager and was able to replay the game as many times as i like. uninstaller doesnt work
OMG The Game Is Gonna Remove My Windows !!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not, just click “More info” and then click “Run anyways”
if you want to faster/better work around the uninstaller (which is still easy without) and auto restart the game you can use this (or a similar) batch:
@echo do not click restart but press alt+F4
"Game That Deletes Itself.exe"
goto start
just copy everything within the ==== (without them!) lines into a text file and save it as restart.cmd or so inside the game dir, then when it quits it starts again and you dont have to do it manually, if you want to stop it just click the x on the console window fast enough before the game restarts...have fun
the game is grate, but the uninstaller is not, you should improve it. First of all it is able to make the game not working by deleting some .dll file, but it is not working entirely
G:\Downloads\Game That Deletes Itself\Uninstaller
System.Diagnostics.Process (Game That Deletes Itself)
Unhandled exception. System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'Uninstaller.dll' is denied.
at System.IO.FileSystem.RemoveDirectoryRecursive(String fullPath, WIN32_FIND_DATA& findData, Boolean topLevel)
at System.IO.FileSystem.RemoveDirectory(String fullPath, Boolean recursive)
at Uninstaller.Program.Main(String[] args)
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
that is do to you are developing for windows (instead of a well designed os) that prevents software from deleting files that are currently opened in an easy way. So first you should do something like taskkill /im:"Game That Deletes Itself.exe" /f to kill your game, then when it is done (maybe try it anothertime and check the return value) you should kill the game. Secoundly you shouldn't design your uninstaller as a console application but rather as a windows application without a window, so it cant be quit that easy. And it should be moch faster, therefore you should use something that generates native code like c++ without .net or other runtime stuff (i suggest minGW or Lazarus )
and then you will get the stuff deleted in less then a secound without the user able to stop it without removing the installer before starting the game or running a infinite loop that kills all uninstaller.exe files.
And to dont allow unexpirenced users to delete the uninstaller you could just set the file attr as hidden so you need to show it (or even better hide the installer code in a dll that is requiered to run the game but thats to mean i guess )
nice idea
happy hacking